10 Year Generational Strategy for Children and Young People - Action Plan 1

Planting the Seeds for a brighter future

The steady journey towards tackling issues to improve outcomes for the Northern Territory’s children and young people has begun.

The first Action Plan of Kids Safe, Family Together, Community Strong: 10-Year Generational Strategy for Children and Families in the Northern Territory has been released. The Generational Strategy is the overarching NT policy for children, young people and families in the NT.

Three Action Plans are being developed to implement the Generational Strategy. They will also ensure the strategy remains flexible to address and work with emerging issues and circumstances.

Both the Generational Strategy and the first Action Plan have been developed under the guidance of the NT Children and Families Tripartite Forum (Tripartite Forum).  The Tripartite Forum consists of representatives from the Australian and Northern Territory governments and three community sector peak bodies, the Aboriginal Peak Organisations NT (APONT), North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA) and NT Council of Social Services (NTCOSS).

The strategy and action plan are unique – the result of the Australian and Northern Territory Governments and community sector working together to develop an achievable vision – each maintains a stake in successful implementation of the strategy and action plan.

They were also developed after significant consultation with communities across the Northern Territory and with the advice of a widely representative Aboriginal Expert Advisory Group.

Planting the Seeds contains 15 high level action areas targeting significant reform and transforming the sector to better support Aboriginal people and create strong foundations for self-determination and community control.

Quotes from the Chair of the Children and Families Tripartite Forum, Rob McPhee

“This is about laying the foundations for the implementation of the Strategy. We must get this right and we must do it in a steady, considered way.”

“The Tripartite Forum is committed to the implementation of the Generational Strategy which we hope will lead to not just better outcomes for Territory children and their families but real and permanent positive change for all Territorians.”

“We’re working together – this is the beginning. The strategy sets the overall vision and commitments. The three action plans will detail how we will achieve our goals. There is a lot of work to be done over the next 10 years.”

Planting the Seeds is just the first of many steps towards achieving our goal, it will build the systems and processes needed to implement the Strategy. This is an exciting step forward.”

For more information on the Generational Strategy and Planting the Seeds visit https://rmo.nt.gov.au/tripartite-forum. To view Action Plan 1 visit 10_Year_Generational_Strategy_Action_Plan_1.pdf (nt.gov.au)


For Rob McPhee – Eliza Williams on 0439 342 159 or eliza.williams@ddhs.org.au