10 Year Generational Strategy for Children and Families in the Northern TerritoryThe development of a 10-Year Generational Strategy for Children and Families in the Northern Territory (Generational Strategy) fulfils a recommendation by the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children.The Generational Strategy sets out a shared vision and policy framework to improve services for the wellbeing and safety of all children, young people and families in the Northern Territory. The framework describes strengthened collaboration and coordination between local communities, service providers and governments.The 10 Year Generational Strategy is complemented by the Australian Government and Northern Territory Government Coordinated Investment Framework. The framework is an agreement between the Northern Territory and Commonwealth Governments and outlines their commitment to coordinate the planning, funding and delivery of services aimed at improving outcomes for children in the Northern Territory.Download the 10 Year Generational Strategy for Children and Families in the Northern Territory (PDF (4.2 MB))Download the Australian Government and Northern Territory Government Coordinated Investment Framework (PDF (650.5 KB))Download Action Plan 1 - Planting the Seeds (PDF (10.3 MB))ConsultationMore than 340 people, including 102 organisations and groups contributed to the Strategy through consultation. The consultation report contains a summary of the information obtained during consultations.Download the Consultation Report ( PDF (4.0 MB))